Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Sepuluh Ribu

I wrote this in my journal on March 4th, 2020. I also attached this photo on my 2020 dream board. At that very moment, my Instagram Followers were only like, 1000+ but one can dream, right? 😂 Untuk orang yang berniaga 100% secara online seperti aku, I really need the 10k followers, bukanlah kerana 10k itu adalah prospects pembeli (tapi kalau nak beli pun kecil tapak tangan, stadium bola aku tadahkan haha!), but it is because I desperately needed the Swipe Up feature untuk memudahkan segala urusan perniagaan dan juga correspondence.

Dan Swipe Up feature on Instagram hanya boleh diperolehi jika you ada 10k followers huwaaa jauhnya rasa ketika itu. I letak target June 2020 (bukan main lagi ya!), I didn't achieve it, of course 😏. Ingat senang ke nak gain genuine followers, some people even suggested me to 'buy' followers come on I am not that desperate.

Fast forward 18 months later, 

Thought really becomes things, cuma cepat atau lambat saja 😭. 

Alhamdulillah. Dah banyak kali terjadi, yang bila kita set goals betul-betul and stick to the goals, memang inshaaAllah boleh dapat. Even if tak dapat pun, kita akan digantikan dengan something yang even better than that, syukurnya.

Anyway there is no more Swipe Up feature for Instagram and now digantikan dengan link sticker which will direct us to the website yang kita mahukan. Requirement untuk link itu tetap sama seperti Swipe Up, tapi ada some people with less than 10k followers pun ada dapat, based on apa yang aku baca it is like Instagram sedang evaluate to allow link stickers to more people dan bukan sahaja yang ada Swipe Up privileges. Only that we can't be possible know what is the metric they use to select the lucky users yang below 10,000 followers, I didn't get it before. Tak kisahlah Swipe Up or Link Sticker, it already makes me so happy sebab dah memudahkan banyak kerja sekarang!

Baru sedar yang ini adalah my first blog post in 2021 haha, this really deserved a special post on my precious blog walaupun dah bersawang tak pernah jengah pun. With the new privileged I've just obtained on Instagram, perhaps I'm going to write more often now. Awas ya, berturut-turut sis akan update blog mulai hari ini 😆

Thank you so much my dear followers, I'm actually super grateful that I took the challenge from my team members to start creating Reels video, because that is where I gained most of my followers for the past few months. Kepada kawan-kawan yang terlibat dalam online business and masih belum gunakan kelebihan Reels, I highly recommend you to start already sebab ianya adalah features yang for me very useful for personal branding. Banyak Reels video and audio yang elok-elok, choose carefully, tapi tak perlu semua trending Reels kita ikut. Pilih yang baik-baik, inshaaAllah bermanfaat.